Colofon & disclaimer
Bestuur Stichting Eugène Brands:
Eugénie Brands (voorzitter)
Hugo Jenniskens (penningmeester)
Ton Fiere (gezamelijk bevoegd bestuurslid)
Christian Ouwens (secretaris)
Tom Okker (adviserend lid)
Adri Colpaart (lid)
Eugénie Brands
Christian Ouwens
Logo ontwerp:
Adri Colpaart
Website ontwerp & realisatie:
Hosting & technische ondersteuning:
Frits Lemaire
Nico Koster
Aernout Overbeeke
Dixie Solleveld
Vincent Mentzel
Georges Bossaers
© Stichting Eugène Brands
All content on this website is protected under international copyright law. All rights are reserved. No part of any material on this website may be reproduced, or stored in a database or retrieval system, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of Stichting Eugène Brands.
The copyright of the artworks by Eugène Brands is managed by Pictoright. No works of Eugène Brands may be used (reproduction or publication) without prior written permission of Pictoright or any of it's sister organizations, who may be contacted through:
Although every effort was made to trace the copyright holders for the photo's that are shown on this website, the copyright holders of several images remain unknown to us. I you have any information on these copyright holders, we request interested parties to contact us through
This website is not, and does not purport to be a catalogue raisonné, and the inclusion on, or exclusion from, this website of any work does not constitute, and may not be relied upon as constituting, a representation or warranty that such work is or is not an authentic work of Eugène Brands.
Stichting Eugène Brands will not be held responsible for any expense, loss or grievance incurred by the use of this website. No endorsement or recommendation of any kind is given or implied.